Snug is a Dead Man Switch app

Snug is a dead man switch app with a daily interval. It checks in on you every day at a time of your choosing. If you don’t respond, it lets your pre-selected emergency contacts know your location and that you did not check in so they can provide you aid. 

Snug is available on both Google Play and the App Store.

What Is A Dead Man Switch?

A dead’s man’s switch is a switch or system that is designed to be activated, or deactivated, if the human operator becomes incapacitated or unresponsive. The lack of a response is considered a signal. 

A dead man’s switch is used as a type of fail-safe or safeguard where processes or machine’s stop because of a lack of expected behavior. An example is a treadmill where if a shirt clip becomes disconnected from the user’s shirt, potentially because of a fall, the treadmill will do an emergency stop. Other applications include trains, lawn mowers, jet skis, and more. For more examples, including uses in government, see the Wikipedia article

Benefits of a Dead Man Switch

The benefit of a dead man switch is that it only triggers when something unexpected happens. Otherwise the normal routine continues. Accordingly, sensitive information can be shared that otherwise wouldn’t be and exceptional actions can be taken.

In the example of Snug, it notifies your emergency contacts that you did not check in. This way people are only notified of a potential emergency after the unexpected signal that you did not check in.

Snug is a free and friendly dead man’s switch that checks in on you every day for peace of mind and freedom. The app will check in with you each day. If something’s amiss, it’ll notify your emergency contacts.